Saturday, October 04, 2008

I have discovered a blog that is pure escapism. I think Linda (the blogger) is feeding my childhood memories of life in British Columbia where wildlife could be found regularly. Linda photographs the visitors to their property (all manner of birds, bears, deer, racoons, squirrels and more) and I love it. Maybe you will too....

Take a peek...I'm sure you won't be disappointed. Living on a busy main road as we do there just aren't the opportunities of my childhood days to see much wildlife (although we did see a fox one wintry, snowy early morning trotting up the road!)...but I'm easily satisfied when I spend a little while viewing Linda's beautiful photographs. Enjoy!


At 1:01 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I followed your link from Vintage Housekeeper. Thank you for your sweet words. Looking forward to reading your blog. :o) Tonette

At 4:23 pm, Blogger Jacquie said...

Hope you'll be back to visit often, Tonette.

Blessings :)


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