Friday, August 15, 2008


Yesterday we picked these blackberries in our "back 40" and I've placed them in our freezer ready for a future blackberry pie.

Our back garden is totally a huge weed patch (we hope to rectify that once we are retired and have the time to devote to developing it for a pleasant, pretty place to relax). So...blackberries grow willy-nilly and in anticipation I have saved them for baking day!

Brings back childhood memories of my mom taking us out during late summer all kitted out in thick shirts, carrying poles (for grabbing branches), sunhats and of course a pail each for collecting the blackberries. Then a mammoth baking and jam-making session would ensue with my mom and an aunt taking over our country kitchen. A lot of the products would find their way to the local church fayre. Believe me they would be hot products for purchase too! Yummy!


At 3:36 pm, Blogger daisy said...

Hya Jac whats a back 40. The berries look good hope your saving some pie for me

At 5:19 pm, Blogger Jacquie said...

Daisy (hehe)....the "Back 40" refers to the backyard. I guess it's a North American expression...something I often heard by dad say. And I wouldn't lay claim to having a back "garden"... as you know it's a pile of brambles and overgrown bushes!! A retirement project for me, I'm sure. In the meantime I'll continue to enjoy your lovely garden. :) x


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